A bizarre incident that looks like a scene from a Hollywood blockbuster was caught on camera in Spain. The video shows a black BMW ramming into a garbage bin at full speed, before crashing on six parked vehicles.
It’s hard to believe that the clip doesn’t come from a movie set, proving that real life can sometimes be more scary than fiction. The beginning of the video which was shot from a balcony in the city of Petrer in Alicante, Spain, shows two individuals running away from an organic waste container that has been flipped and abandoned in the middle of the road, while an SUV can be heard coming from a distance at full throttle.
Surprisingly, the driver of the first-gen BMW X5 doesn’t brake or decelerate before ramming into the bin at a high speed that is quite dangerous for such a narrow alley. Right after the collision, the driver lost control of the SUV and crashed into a bunch of parked vehicles causing chaos. At least six other vehicles appear to be damaged, including a Renault Megane, an Opel Corsa, two VW Golfs, a Peugeot 206, and an Opel Astra sedan.
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A men moved a dustbin on the road before a car hit it [ Alicante, Spain ]
by u/TheLastOfNess in WTF
People rushed into the street yelling about the destructive course of the SUV, while its driver and occupants came outside seemingly unharmed, with some of them attempting to flee on foot. A woman can be heard yelling “Call the police”, while another man repeatedly says “My goodness, my car” while in shock. Predictably, the video went viral on Reddit, gathering plenty of comments and views.
So what on Earth happened there? The answer comes from a news article in the Spanish website El Periodico, citing local newspaper Información. The event is allegedly the result of a conflict between two families that started the previous day with public insults and threats. In the first brawl, the police got there in time to calm things down, but that didn’t stop members of the families to continue their rivalry in this dangerous manner.
It is not clear if any arrests were made by the authorities following the investigation. We sincerely hope that the owners of the parked vehicles will get a refund from their insurance companies and that the driver of the BMW will be taken to justice. This time, no one was injured but things could be a lot worse.