Most drivers have accidentally run over a curb or a parking control device but most immediately notice the contact. In the video below, one woman not only runs over an entire electric vehicle charging station but then appears not to notice. Here’s a breakdown of everything we see going on in this electrifying encounter.

Early on in the video below, we see a white Tesla Model Y rounding a corner in a parking garage while something near it makes a hideous noise. As the cameraman gets closer we see the charging station lodged underneath the front clip of the Tesla as the driver continues moving forward.

It seems as though they recognize that something isn’t right as they aren’t moving at full speed. In fact, they slow to a stop for a short time before continuing again all while bystanders call out to park the vehicle. The one filming actually taps on the window and simply says “Ma’am, stop driving.”

More: Tesla Soars Off Of Freeway And Into Homeless Camp In LA

The woman in the driver’s seat appears to understand but seconds later hits the accelerator for a brief second. She’s clearly confused to some degree though because when the Tesla doesn’t react as she expects she stops again and puts her hands up. The cameraman walks around the front of the car and we see that both rear tires on the Model Y are flat. The front passenger tire appears to be off the ground entirely.

It’s around that time, near the end of the video, that the woman gets out and begins to understand what’s happened. What events led up to this incident we don’t know. Surely, knocking down something of this size and weight would be a loud and somewhat violent affair. It seems likely too that the Tesla would likely have a barrage of warnings going off. Regardless of exactly what caused this accident, we’re glad nobody was hurt as a result.

Image Credit: Viral Hog