Easter eggs might not influence sales numbers too much but they do help buyers engage with their vehicle. Some are purely based on having a little fun with the design while others are intentionally functional. Which is your favorite though? That’s our question of the day.
Easter eggs in the automotive sector come in a variety of forms but just as their namesake might suggest, they’re somewhat hidden from plain view. In other words, one often needs to go looking for them to find them.
In the case of our lead image, a buyer needs to look under the hood of their RAM TRX to find a picture of a Tyrannosaurus Rex holding a dead Velociraptor in its maw. No doubt an intentional jab at Ford’s F-150 Raptor and a reminder to TRX buyers that they have one of the most powerful trucks ever made.
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The TRX is far from alone though. The video above features the Skoda Superb, a somewhat ho-hum-looking car with at least one fun secret. A hole in the door card is specifically designed to hold an umbrella. Not only does it hold the rain-thwarting device but it also has a drain inside to release the moisture that drips into the compartment. The same car features an ice scraper in the fuel cap and a trunk light that can be removed and used as a flashlight.
In many cases, easter eggs are similar to those in the TRX though. Jeep specifically hides a number of small visual easter eggs like models “climbing” up interior window panels or maps pseudo hidden in plastic pieces. Chevrolet has two pictures of Zora-Arkus Duntov hidden in the car. One is in the windshield and the other is in the door jamb on a sticker.
These are only a few easter eggs among hundreds that automakers include on various cars. Which are your favorite and why? Let us know in the comments below and be sure to vote on your favorites.