• Several vehicles blindly followed one confused driver into oncoming traffic in Colorado.
  • This incident highlights the dangers of distracted and unobservant driving behavior.
  • To be fair, the intersection itself is notoriously tricky and poorly marked for drivers.

Imagine looking up in traffic to see several everyday cars driving toward you in your lane. No, they’re not racing away from a crime scene, but instead, they simply followed one bad driver. That’s exactly what one video camera captured in Golden, Colorado.

At the intersection of West Sixth Avenue and West Colfax Avenue, the road is less than perfect. Each road has roughly seven lanes of traffic going in each direction. On top of that, the painted street lines don’t provide consistent and clear indications of where one should go. At the same time, you’re about to watch several drivers miss the other direction on how to navigate this intersection.

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A video posted to Reddit, and first spotted by TireMeetsRoad, shows our dashcam car as it turns onto Colfax from Sixth. Ahead of it are at least four different cars that all swing harder to the left than they need to and end up driving in the oncoming lanes. In fact, they all pass “Do Not Enter” signs on both sides of the road when they do it.

Nevertheless, all of them managed to ignore the signs and simply followed the lead car that made this wrong choice first. It’s only our dashcam car driver that notices the issue, makes the adjustment, and then saves this video for us all to take in. Thankfully, it appears as though the wrong-way drivers all managed to get back onto their own side of the road without incident. At least one noticed the problem and simply flipped a U-turn before traffic could catch up.

Source Reddit/Bookmaster_VP

Let’s all take this as a clear reminder to be active while driving. It’s far too easy these days to lose track of the important things on the road and end up like these folks, in the wrong place, pointed in the wrong direction. Do you know anyone who drives like that? Maybe send them this article and see if they catch on to that subtle nudge. 

Image Credit: Bookmaster_VP