• The Ford pickup driver misjudged the waves, causing it to roll into deep water.
  • After reversing into the ocean, the truck stalled and became trapped in the waves.
  • While the engine may have avoided hydrolock, any repairs won’t come cheap.

Cars and salt water do not go together and this Ford may have just died an agonizing death while pushing a boat into the ocean in Mexico. What started as a simple task quickly spiraled into a spectacular failure, thanks to what appears to be a serious misjudgment by the pickup truck’s driver—who not only underestimated the waves but also failed to get any traction on the wet sand.

It’s unclear when the incident happened, but according to some astute commentators, it occurred at a beach in southern Baja. The video starts off by showing the driver of the pickup reversing down the beach and helping to push a small boat into the water. Initially, all seems to have gone well but moments later, things start to unravel.

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After successfully pushing the boat, the driver of the truck continues to reverse for what looks like at least 12 feet, entering deeper and deeper water. The truck then backs directly into a wave, which quickly engulfs most of the vehicle. It appears the deep water causes the truck to float, leaving the driver stranded with no way to regain control. The clip cuts off just as they squeeze through a side window to escape.

Listening carefully to the footage, it sounds as though the driver of the truck stalled it shortly after hitting the water and was unable to get it restarted. However, this doesn’t explain why they continued to roll back into the crashing waves. Whether it was driver error or the engine cutting out on its own, the end result is the same; it’s probably not even worth attempting to repair the truck.

While the engine may have been switched off when the pickup entered the water, potentially allowing it to avoid getting hydrolocked, it doesn’t take long for saltwater to start corroding metals and important electronic components. Of course, only a thorough inspection can reveal whether the truck can be saved or not, but from where we’re sitting, things aren’t looking too bright.