Picture yourself doing something stupid on a Vauxhall Corsa and chances are no one will ever notice, do the same to a new £245,000 (around $417,000 /€306,000) McLaren 12C Spider and you can bet your sweet arse that you’ll soon become an internet star….

The owner of the three-month old McLaren from the UK, was directed to a Facebook profile of “Kane Reynolds” after one of his friends saw a picture of the man standing on the bonnet of his 12C Spider.

The picture, which has since been removed along with the FB accout, had the following caption: “Thought I had to take the **** seen this lush mclarun thought I’d jump on the bonet init **** it why not mwhahaha.”

The owner of the car, a Welsh businessman, who prefers not to be identified, said he had just taken back the 12C from service and parked the vehicle outside a restaurant in a spot where he could keep an eye on it – apparently, he didn’t do a good job as he never saw the man jumping up and down on the hood.

“It had been back to have a few things done under warranty,” he told the Daily Mail. “Funnily enough I was looking out of the window and I didn’t see it. I saw a crowd stood round taking pictures, but that is to be expected. I chose a seat so I could keep an eye on the car.”

The businessman said that he is trying to identify the lad in the picture and when he does, he’ll send him “a nasty solicitor’s letter”.

“Fortunately there’s no massive damage,” he said. “When I saw the picture I thought there would be massive dents. Someone’s coming round later to give it a polish and clean the footprints off. It is still going to cost a lot of money – with these cars everything costs, unfortunately.”

Asked by the Daily Mail about parking in a double yellow line, he replied: “Yes I parked on a double yellow, but it’s cheaper than the damage if you park in a car park. You shouldn’t expect to have that sort of thing.” […]

By John Halas

Photo: Kane Reynolds/Facebook

Hat tip to Matt J.!

