The Dutch want to update their roadside infrastructure by getting rid of streetlights. They want to replace these with smart, glow in the dark road markings that are greener and supposedly safer than the conventional alternative.

However, so far, it’s not all gone according to plan. The new markings are working, but they’re not doing so in a consistent manner; drivers reported non-uniform lighting and even their complete disappearance in heavy rain conditions.

This is by no means a setback, though, and the data gathered in this first pilot program will make the next stage of the program more successful.

Currently, the markings have been faded out on the 500 m stretch of road where they were applied, in order not to be confusing when used alongside the regular lighting which was reinstated for the time being.

We also found two videos and posted them below for reference.

By Andrei Nedelea

Photo via MaximeVerhagen

