Fiat has released a new commercial in the U.S. for the 500L featuring rapper/producer P. Diddy – also known as Diddy, Puff Daddy or simply Sean Combs.

Set in the desert, the commercial aims to change people’s preconceptions that Fiat’s are small, two-door cars. Two very thirsty men wandering in the desert rub their eyes in disbelief as a Fiat 500L full of relaxed girls passes them by.

They dismiss the sight as a mirage, only to see a second 500L passing by, this time with P. Diddy in the passenger seat. For the two men, this is an even more surreal image, so they ignore Diddy as well, although he offers them water.

If you want to see what happens next, you’ll have to watch the video posted below. I think the commercial is not bad, but the previous cheeky ads featuring Italian families are tough acts to follow.

By Dan Mihalascu