A study based on the answers of some 29,000 car owners in the US, carried out by JD Power between July and September of last year, had some intriguing findings to show, when it comes to the reasons for which people choose their vehicle. They are split into two categories, based on the type of vehicle they’re seeking: luxury and mass market.

For the former, the top priorities are performance, quality of materials and finish, styling, brand and vehicle image and reliability. Meanwhile, when it comes to regular mass market cars, the priorities are different. Here, the most importance is sought in the gas mileage, reliability, deals (rebates, tax credits), styling and performance.

All of the above are in order of importance, with the first being at the top of the list.

Another worthwhile result discovered via this apparently wide-reaching survey was an explanation as to why people choose a local American brand over an import, or why they don’t and go out and buy Korean. Apparently, the main reason for purchase domestic, for 38 percent of those asked, at least, is the high technologic level, bristling with (connectivity) features – only 33 percent think this same thing in regards to imports.

The idea is that tech is becoming a huge deciding factor, more so than before.

“Domestic brands in general are carving out a niche for themselves by offering vehicles with the latest technological features, and it appears to be getting the attention of consumers,” said Jon Osborn, research director at J.D. Power. “It’s important for automakers to understand what motivates new-vehicle buyers to shop and purchase a particular model and focus on promoting those top purchase influencers to differentiate themselves and gain market share.”

The internet is used by 81 percent to find their cars and information about their cars; 15 percent admit to making their choice based on online reviews and ratings – 4 percent up from 2010.

“The study finds that the top five most influential purchase reasons among luxury and mass market new-vehicle buyers are:”


1. Performance (power, handling, etc.)
2. Quality of workmanship (materials, fit and finish)
3. Exterior styling (design)
4. Like the image this vehicle portrays
5. Reliability (freedom from breakdowns)

Mass Market

1. Gas mileage (fuel economy)
2. Reliability (freedom from breakdowns)
3. The “Deal” (interest rates/rebates)
4. Exterior styling (design)
5. Performance (power, handling, etc.)

By Andrei Nedelea

