Well this is a unique way to get rid of fire, without needing to use any water whatsoever… So it seems that this Russian dump truck driver is really committed to his job, and even when the pile of junk he’s carrying around is a blazing inferno he seems completely unfazed by it – his employer should give him a raise for the commitment shown here…

We don’t know if the payload was on fire before having been loaded into the back of the truck, but it frankly doesn’t matter because either way, it leads to the amusing spectacle you’ll see once you’ve clicked play on the video posted after the jump. What strikes us is the fact that the driver doesn’t panic or even seem to particularly mind being in the given situation, hinting at the fact that it may have all actually going according to some plan.

It’s obviously not safe, though, nor do we think it is legal – we do not have detailed knowledge of the Russian system of laws and penalties. Towards the end, the truck is pulled over to the side of the road, the bed is tipped, and the (still) raging blaze becomes somebody else’s problem…

Sometimes it’s better not to try to understand or judge such instances, so we’ll follow the example set by the passengers in the car the action was being filmed from – we’ll continue to just find it amusing, without asking why.

By Andrei Nedelea