This definitely not the first Russian dash-cam video in which we get to see acts of bad parenting. I’ve seen so many of these (somewhat similar to the one posted après le jump) that it stopped being funny a long time ago. There are also some thematically-related videos, in the violent far reaches of YouTube, where what you see are no longer near-misses – don’t search for these, just be aware that they are there and extremely gruesome.

This particular video is a little bit on the lighter side, as the very young child seems to know that the proper way to cross the street is via a (much worn out) crosswalk. However, he is not aware of the fact that running, in this instance, is not recommended.

In fact, the running should have been done by the dad, who, instead of sprinting, merely jogs in pursuit of the runaway child – failing to catch up before the critical danger point marked by edge of the sidewalk. Still, things ended well this time, as all drivers stopped to give way to the very young pedestrian, silently judging the father, like we just have, only not in a more rowdy fashion…

By Andrei Nedelea