A golf club is not really ideal to have around in your car as a weapon – it is clearly not as popular as the baseball bat, for instance… This is actually the first enraged Russian driver we’ve seen wielding one of these, so we were curious as to what the outcome of this particular altercation would be.

It seems that for some unknown reason, the man holding the golf club (could be a putter) is smiling and asking another driver to step out of his car. He even tries opening the door, but it’s locked. What else is there to do in a situation like this? He breaks the window, obviously.

Still, it remains a mystery as to what could have caused such a violent outburst. How many times, in one minute, does one have to have to cut you off to prompt such a reaction?

What’s also curious is why the man smiles as he is just about to strike the other driver’s car, and as his taunts fail to provoke a reaction from the other side. It would be interesting to see what a certified shrink would have to say about this video…

By Andrei Nedelea