The Tesla Model S, and especially the 85 kWh battery pack version, is very close to being a no-compromise EV. There are even some performance cars out there, with conventional gasoline engines, which have less range than it has, due to the installation of very small gas tanks – the idea is that this is all relative information, and it depends a great deal on how a vehicle is used.

Still the Model S is an expensive car, and it is out of the reach of many consumers. Now, though, drivers in Las Vegas will have a chance to drive one of 100 that have just been ordered from Tesla, by startup vehicle sharing company Downtown Project.

Called “Project 100”, it aims to add longer range EVs to the company’s current lineup of vehicles, which currently includes short-distance EVs and bikes. Set in Las Vegas, the idea is to allow people who don’t own a car to commute using a wide range of vehicles – the Model S would be used for the longer trips.

They say that once in place, it will eliminate the need to own a car, and those who take part will be able to enjoy full mobility around town for roughly the same kind of money one pays as a regular car owner.

In addition, if you were wondering, yes it does get a mobile app, which will allow users to quickly select their desired means of transportation. The app then guides the user to the location of the nearest compatible vehicle, just like any other car sharing system. To get the full details, watch the video posted after the jump.

By Andrei Nedelea

Story References: Tech