Singer has officially entered the hypercar realm with its latest creation, at least when it comes to the price tag, as that 964-based 911 you’re watching costs no less than $1.8 million.

Of course there’s a solid reason for this. Singer collaborated with Williams Advanced Engineering in order to create the world’s best air-cooled flat-six engine: a four-valve per cylinder, four-camshaft, naturally-aspirated 4.0-liter flat-six delivering 500 hp at an incredible 9,000rpm.

The new Porsche 911 by Singer is currently called the Dynamics and Lightweighting Study (DLS). Imagine a 964 featuring the absolute best in modern day materials and technology and you wouldn’t be far off.

Compared to other Singer 911s, the bodywork of the DLS has been re-engineered from an aero prospective as well. Gone is the front-axle lift thanks to a new spliter and optimized air vents, a roof channel and a rear spoiler. These revisions allow the rear ducktail wing to actually work and provide downforce. Other details include the side ram-air intakes on the windows, which feed fresh air to the masterpiece sitting behind the rear axle.

Just listen to the noises this thing makes: if they doesn’t make the hair on the back of your neck stand, then you deserve having your car guy card revoked. Does it deserve the eye-watering price tag? Apparently, and to the right people, it sure does.