If you have been following the news in the U.S. these past few weeks, you will have no doubt noticed that all Republican presidential candidates have attacked the Obama administration for the way it handled the auto industry bailout.

Now it’s time for President Obama’s campaign to fight back through a new ad that will air on television this Friday but only in Michigan, ahead of the State’s Republican presidential primary next week.

The ad is named “Made in America” and touts Obama’s stance on the auto bailout bill while at the same time taking a jab at the GOP and especially Mitt Romney, showing the title of his November 2008 New York Times op-ed piece, “Let Detroit Go Bankrupt”.

Among other things, the ad says: “Made in America. For generations of Michigan autoworkers it’s more than a slogan; it’s a way of life. But when a million jobs were on the line, every Republican candidate turned their back.”

What the ad fails to point out, however, is that it was the George W. Bush administration that actually initiated the auto bailout in late 2008 providing GM, Chrysler and other companies with a $25 billion loan before the Obama administration added another $60 billion to the tab when it took over the presidency in 2009.