Towing anything, be it a caravan, a boat or anything else might seem quite simple, but the truth is that it requires some knowledge and forward thinking. The owner of the Jeep Wrangler in the video might lack those two – or something else, which is not obvious to us, might have caused them to swerve and end up like this.
While recently driving onto southbound Highway 99 in Madera, California, a YouTube user came across a blue Wrangler towing a large caravan onto the highway.
For the first few seconds, everything appears quite benign. However, as the Wrangler accelerates on to the highway, the trailer starts to violently swing left and right, and eventually they both tip over, forcing other motorists to brake hard in order to avoid crashing into them.
Fortunately, they all came to an emergency stop in time, and a number of drivers rushed to see if the driver was okay. He was and, reportedly, only suffered a scratch to the head and a mild concussion.
Towing is not as easy as one might think, as the vehicle behaves in a different manner – and that might catch some drivers unawares. Thus, if you intend to do it, especially for the first time, do some research about your preferred tow vehicle, what you intend on towing, and how to best load and attach anything that’s being towed, and could save yourself a lot of heartache – and, if you’re lucky, a concussion.