As much as we love the internal combustion engine, the sad truth is that it’s on its way out. It might take some time for a complete switch to electric power, but we’re getting there, and it will probably be the same with motorsports as well.

The fact that Formula E is growing in popularity is a sign of things to come, as was the moment when Formula 1 decided to opt for a V6 hybrid system instead of staying with the old 2.4-liter V8 units that were racing between 2006 and 2013.

While Ferrari is, unlike other manufacturers, staying faithful to Formula 1, at some point in the future it, too, will in all likelihood have to go all-electric. This rendering was designed by Matteo Gentile and looks a lot more streamlined than current 2019 models.

It also has a canopy cockpit protection system, as opposed to the Halo, which makes sense since governing bodies will eventually make sure that race car drivers are as protected as possible while on the track, and the Halo still allows for debris to hit the helmet.

Is Ferrari unlikely to join Formula E? Well, in 2017 its CEO, the late Sergio Marchionne, lobbied for the Italian automaker to get in on the action, saying: “We need to be involved in Formula E because electrification via hybridization is going to be part of our future.”

Irrespective how one feels about EVs, you can’t fight the future. And since electric cars are, at least for now, the direction everyone’s taking, the Scuderia will inevitably follow suit, sooner or later.