Canada is often viewed as America’s friendly neighbor to the north, but this dashcam video shows some less than pleasant behavior.

Reportedly filmed in Toronto, the short clip shows what appears to be a fairly normal commute. There aren’t any signs anything is amiss until the driver changes lanes and it sounds like there’s some faint honking in the background.

The possible honking noise quickly disappears and the typical drive continues. It isn’t until a few seconds later that things start to get weird.

As you can see in the video, the car to the left of the dashcam-equipped vehicle changes lanes and pulls ahead of them. The driver was polite and even used his turn signal, but things quickly escalate as the Mazda 3 slows down significantly.

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The Mazda driver then waves his finger outside the window in a slightly confusing gesture. The other driver responds, as most of us would, by honking.

The Mazda then comes to a complete stop so the driver can put his head out of the window and yell at the other driver. It’s a bit hard to hear what’s being said, but it appears Mazda man was upset about how the other driver changed lanes.

After a little bit of shouting and finger pointing, the Mazda driver gets back into their vehicle and drives off. The entire incident is pretty bizarre and the Mazda driver put everyone in danger simply so he could yell at someone else over a minor transgression – assuming one even happened in the first place.