It’s a fact that car manufacturers go to great lengths to promote their new products. Traditional means like TV and press advertising are so last year –and so is celebrity endorsement, though they are still employed by the carmakers. However, the new place to be are the social media, like Facebook, Twitter and Youtube.

BMW has gone one step further in promoting its brand-new 2012 1-Series: it has created a video clip named “check my machine” which shows the process of manufacturing the car.

So what’s new about it? BMW Group Head of Communication Strategy and Corporate Communications, Bill McAndrews explains: “As an innovative company, the BMW Group wants to show that the production of a vehicle can be presented quite differently, without the authenticity of the process lost in any way”.

The new method of communication concerns the soundtrack composed by Jonas Imbery, who explains:

“The appeal of the work was to develop a viable, independent, recognisable composition that only makes use of vehicle sounds, such as the blinkers, GPS voice, closing noises, seat belts, doors, safety alarm, to name but a few. The visual resolution at the end shows clearly that the percussive elements such as the bass synthesizer, the vocals and the melodies were produced by the vehicle itself.”

Not to spoil BMW’s party, but we clearly remember Honda doing something similar, like producing sounds just from parts of the vehicle, a little while ago. You can watch the two videos after the jump.