A trucker in Illinois captured a pair of motorists attempting what he claimed to be an insurance fraud while on a snow-covered highway earlier this week.

The footage starts off by showing a silver Toyota RAV4 and a Chevrolet pickup truck towing a trailer cruising down the motorway, with the trucker saying they were looking for a big semi-truck to drive in front of it.

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As the clip progresses and reaches its half-way point, the Toyota and Chevrolet slowing start to pull in front of the truck. Their goal is seemingly to have the RAV4 jump in the same lane as the trucker and for the Chevrolet pickup to then follow suit.

The Toyota driver would then quickly brake, forcing the pickup to brake (and ideally avoid rear-ending the RAV4) before both vehicles are hit from the rear by the trucker. In theory, just like that, the motorists could have two insurance claims against the other driver and if they successfully support to have suffered injuries in the crash, may win generous payouts.

The dash-cam trucker says he was quick to recognize what was happening and made sure that neither the RAV4 nor the Chevrolet were able to get in front of him.

Just moments later, it’s revealed that the duo ‘conveniently’ found themselves rear-ended by a white sedan with enough force that it sent the Chevrolet pickup into the rear of the RAV4, inevitably causing quite a lot of damage to the pair.

