Two youngsters from Vietnam show that you don’t need extraordinary amounts of money to drive a vehicle that resembles a Lamborghini. In fact, all you need is some ingenuity, a keen eye for detail and a bit of mechanical knowledge.

The YouTubers NHẾT TV have created a host of replica supercars and superbikes out of cardboard over the last 18 months or so and are currently in the processing of building what could be their most ambitious project to date: a bright green Lamborghini Aventador SVJ replica powered by a tiny 150 cc motorcycle engine.

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The project has been ongoing since March and started out with a custom frame being built from steel. Building a chassis from scratch is obviously no easy feat and required the YouTubers to weld pieces of steel together and establish the vehicle’s electronic systems, all on a very tight budget and with cheap parts and scrap materials.

With the chassis complete, work began on fabricating the bodywork entirely from pieces of cardboard. Work on the car still looks to be ongoing, as you can see, the exterior is still a bit rough around the edges. Moreover, since cardboard isn’t particularly strong, most of the exterior has been clad in fiberglass to stiffen it up without adding too much weight.

We’ve embedded a handful of videos of the project below but if you head on over to the YouTube channel, you’ll find roughly 20 clips detailing the creation of the budget Lamborghini.