Two drivers have been filmed crashing on a street in Montreal, Canada while appearing to break the speed limit and potentially racing each other.

Local news outlet Journal Demontreal reports the incident happened last week when the driver of a large truck was attempting to make a right-hand turn into a parking lot.

Speaking with the publication, the driver of the truck, Éric Thibault, said he was driving at dawn when he wanted to turn into a parking lot. To make the turn, he drove the truck into the left-most lane before turning across all three lanes of traffic. He claims to have been roughly 250 yards from the nearest intersection at the time and says that red lights should have prevented any motorist from getting anywhere near him.

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However, just as the trucker begins to turn to the right, a black hatchback (which appears to be a VW Golf), clips the front of the truck and is sent sliding down the sidewalk, taking with it a small tree. A second vehicle, namely a white Honda Civic sedan, then comes at high speed and slams head-on into another, much larger tree.

The speed limit on the road was 60 km/h (37 mph), but the trucker believes the two cars were probably going at least 100 km/h (62 mph).

The City of Montreal Police Service is investigating the crash and has confirmed that none of the motorists suffered any serious injuries.