Shocking dashcam footage out of California showing a three-car crash seemingly triggered by a serious case of road rage.

The video was captured on Stevens Creek Freeway in Sunnyvale, California not too far from San Jose and shows a silver Nissan Xterra aggressively tailgating a Toyota Prius in the center lane.

The Prius and the Xterra drive past the cammer, with the Nissan driver seen slamming on the brakes at one stage to avoid rear-ending the Prius. Before long, the Nissan driver turns into the left lane but rather than simply passing the Prius, instead aggressively sideswipes it. This heavy shunt sends the Prius into a Mazda MPV in the right-most lane of the highway.

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Both the Prius and the Mazda MPV slam into a concrete wall on the side of the freeway. The impact causes the Toyota to roll over two times while the MPV slides to a halt. As this is happening, the Xterra lifts up onto two wheels before hitting the center median. While the SUV must have suffered some kind of damage as a result, the driver appears to aggressively accelerate down a freeway exit and away from the scene.

It is understood that the cammer has sent the footage to the California Highway Patrol and authorities should follow up with it.

The injuries sustained to the motorists involved remain unclear, although someone on the Reddit thread suggested there wasn’t “a huge medical response,” perhaps indicating that no one was seriously injured.

It remains unclear what happened to the Xterra. One Redditor asserts that it was found by the police not far from the scene of the accident, but it is claimed the driver may have fled.