Ford Mustangs and crashes go together like peanut butter and jelly and this video recently posted to TikTok proves just how prone Mustang drivers can be to crashing.

We’re not sure where exactly this clip was filmed in the U.S,. but based on the reflection of the license plate in the cammer’s windshield, it appears to have occured in New York. The incident is like so many others involving Mustangs, as it was completely avoidable and caused by driver error.

The video starts out by showing a red Mustang speeding past the cammer. The driver then swerves into the left lane and this briefly unsettles the car which kicks out its tail. Obviously unable to control the slide, he careens into the side of a silver minivan in the right lane of the highway.

Watch Also: Schools Are Back In Session And Mustang Drivers Are Still Finding Ways To Crash

As the cammer passes the minivan pulled over to the side of the road, the damage is quite apparent. The rear door has been damaged as has the front quarter panel, while the force of the impact also ripped off one of the hub caps.

Making matters worse is the fact that the driver of the red Mustang did not pull over. In fact, in the closing seconds of the TikTok video, the man filming says “We’ve got to chase him!”

Here’s hoping the runaway driver has been tracked down either by the cammer or local authorities and held responsible for his actions.


It’s always the mustangs
byu/tryumphkillz1 inIdiotsInCars