The idea of replicas often rubs people the wrong way and for good reason, as such creations can be absolutely horrible. However, we’ve seen much worse than this Lamborghini Aventador replica that was recently spotted in India.

This “Aventador” has been built by a local company by the name of Executive Mod Trendz based in Mumbai. Quite often, supercar replicas are built around affordable, mid-engined sports cars like the Pontiac Fiero but this one is based on a 2009 Honda Civic, which is front-engined and front-wheel drive.

Consequently, the proportions of the Aventador replica are a far cry from the real car. In fact, a video of the car cruising through the streets of India shows that the high roofline of the Civic (compared to the Aventador) means the angle of the engine cover and rear decklid is all out of kilter.

Watch Also: Homemade Lamborghini Aventador Replica Is Made From Cardboard, Runs On Scooter Engine

However, there are some aspects of the car that actually appear quite accurate. For example, the headlights and taillights look very close to the real things, even though we’re pretty sure they are aftermarket replicas rather than genuine Lamborghini parts. Executive Mod Trendz have also done a good job replicating the matte black paint of the car, which Lamborghini calls Nero Nemesis.

The builder didn’t just call it a day after mimicking the exterior design of the Aventador as a peek inside the cabin reveals the Civic is now rocking orange leather across the seats, dashboard, and steering wheel. It also features a similar center console design to the Aventador and even has a Lamborghini logo on the steering wheel.