Few times have I ever felt more like I was lobbing a grenade into the comments section than with this QOTD. But today, I’m asking you to discuss which brand, in your opinion, has the most annoying drivers.

For me, the question has an obvious answer, which through years of driving I have determined is one of those rare stereotypes with more than simply a grain of truth about it. But yes, the sight of a BMW does fill me with some apprehension when I’m on the road because the odds feel high that the person behind the wheel is coming into my lane without signaling.

BMW‘s fierce competitor, Audi, also has its fair share of annoying drivers. Just the other day I was honked at by an S5 with an Instagram sticker on the side for slowing down in an active construction zone. Once a lane opened up, it shot past me pointedly and continued to weave through traffic, racing towards the next traffic stoppage.

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I would argue, though, that it’s not simply the drivers of slightly out-of-date “premium” German vehicles that are annoying. I’ve noticed more and more that the drivers of some pickups are fans of poor behavior on the road.

In my experience, there’s no truck brand likelier to be driven by an annoying driver who thinks they’re in possession of a muscle car than the driver of a Ram. The number of times I’ve seen a Ram driver overestimating their skill and their vehicle’s abilities on the highway is too damn high.

Maybe this is my own fault as a fan of small cars, but whenever I’m blinded at night by a truck tailgating me, it feels likelier to be a Ram than not. And that’s to say nothing of those special people who are fans of rolling coal.

But what do you think? Which brand has the most annoying drivers?