Street racing is a problem in many major cities and one such incident was recently caught on surveillance video in Clearwater, Florida.

As you can see in the clip, the driver of the Nissan Altima Coupe passes an Infiniti G sedan and hits a dip in the road. While this wouldn’t have been a problem if the Altima was traveling at the 15 mph (24 km/h) speed limit, the driver was going much faster than that and the dip effectively launched the car.

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The vehicle quickly slams back to the ground and starts veering to the left. Our would-be racer then overcorrects, which sends the coupe flying towards an adjacent yard. They overcorrect again and send the vehicle into a slide, which takes out a small tree and mailbox. The car continues sliding until it eventually comes to a stop perpendicular to the road.

Citing the Florida Highway Patrol, Fox 13 reports no one was injured in the crash but the car’s 21-year-old driver was charged with reckless driving. It remains unclear if the other driver was charged, but the station says the two drivers were friends and decided to race each other.

This was obviously a stupid decision, especially in a residential neighborhood, as things could have quickly turned tragic if someone was walking or riding their bike where the driver lost control.