• Volkswagen offered its Gewürz ketchup in the United States for the very first time.
  • The company gave away bottles for free on their DriverGear website, but all were claimed.
  • The ketchup was created in 1996 and carries part number 00010 ZDK-259-101.

Volkswagen makes more than just cars and we’ve covered their sausages on multiple occasions. However, we’re moving onto condiments as the automaker has shipped a limited supply of its Gewürz ketchup to the United States for the first time.

Unfortunately, all of the spicy ketchup has already been snapped up by fans. Those who acted fast got a free bottle from Volkswagen’s DriverGear store as part of the automaker’s 75th anniversary in the United States.

More: VW’s Sausages Are More Popular Than Its Cars

While few were lucky enough to secure a bottle, the Gewürz ketchup dates back to 1996 and was developed as the perfect complement to their currywurst sausage, which was first created in 1973. While 23 years is a long time without a companion, Volkswagen said the “uniquely spiced sausage is often served chopped into bite-size slices in a bowl and drenched with the sauce.”

The automaker said they were inspired by fans like Jamie Orr, who visit the company’s headquarters in Wolfsburg and bring back lesser-known members of the “German Katalog” as souvenirs. In Orr’s case, he’d bring back a few bottles and hand them out at events.

Volkswagen of America’s Rachael Zaluzec said, “This year we’re celebrating more than a big anniversary of selling cars. We’re celebrating stories, memories, passion, and all the fun, and unexpected things that make Volkswagen the brand we are today -things like our Gewürz Ketchup Brand condiment.”