• Both Audi driver and motorcyclist crashed after misjudging speed on same left-hand curve.
  • The impact with the tree ripped off one of the Audi R8 coupe’s doors and wheels.
  • The biker may have been distracted by the crash and failed to swerve around the debris.

Few things are better than a smooth, twisting road for car enthusiasts and motorcyclists alike – especially if you’re the sort of person who prefers an engine to do the talking. But there’s a fine line between enjoying a curvy backroad and overestimating your abilities, and it looks like one overzealous driver just found out the hard way. Fortunately for us (but less so for the biker involved), the whole thing was caught on helmet cam.

Watch: Showoff Audi R8 Driver Slams Into Innocent Sedan

It’s unclear where exactly the crash occurred, but it seems as though the biker and the driver of the Audi R8 ahead of him were both enjoying this road’s sweeping bends. However, the driver of the R8 can be seen approaching a left-hand curve with too much speed. A skilled driver may have been able to scrub off any excess speed and still make the corner, but it looks as though this driver slammed on the brakes halfway through the turn, and careened off the road.

Too Hot Into the Turn, Too Late to Recover

Seconds after the R8’s rear wheels dip into the grass, the supercar’s back end kicks out violently. What follows isn’t pretty: the Audi slides sideways and slams into a tree hard enough to snap it in half.

The biker got on the brakes as the crash was unfolding but likely suffered from a case of target fixation and failed to swerve around the debris field despite having plenty of time to do so. After hitting a patch of dirt strewn onto the road by the Audi, as well as what looks like the car’s carbon fiber rear wing, the motorcyclist falls off his bike in the middle of the curve.

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The video cuts off shortly after the biker picks up his bike and wheels it over to the side of the road. It’s unclear if either of the car’s occupants were seriously injured in the crash, but the passenger door has been ripped from the mid-engined supercar, and the passenger can be seen with their hands on their knees – although their face is shielded by the side curtain airbag.

Given the severity of the impact, it’s no surprise the Audi has been completely destroyed. Besides the door hanging somewhere in the foliage, one rear wheel and hub appear completely obliterated.

Moral of the story? Confidence is great, but skill (and maybe a bit of restraint) goes a lot further when the road starts twisting.