Welcome to one of the most dangerous patches of road in Romania. It may not look like much at first, but its infrastructure needs a massive overhaul – desperately.

Issues include drivers that constantly hop well over the speed limit, lack of pedestrian passages, no speed bumps ahead of poorly signaled crosswalks and no designated bicycle lanes.

All it takes is for somebody to get a little careless (which always happens) and an accident will ensue, usually a very bad one.

Take this for example. It could have ended a lot worse than it did, had either one or perhaps all of those pedestrians gotten struck. To make matters worse, one of them almost got hit by the driver of the Hyundai Tucson who was in a hurry to get going.

Thankfully, it was just the vehicles that took home damage, at fault being not just the person that ran into everybody but also the driver of the white car that got squished. That’s tailgating at its “finest”, and in bad weather.

People unfortunately keep ignoring poor weather conditions and preoccupy themselves more with riding up the rear end of the car in front, aggressively pushing for it to move out of the way. It’s an inherently bad idea, no matter the weather.

In the end, this is what an imperfect system looks like, both with regards to infrastructure as well as, you know, handing out driver’s licenses.
