Tesla will skip the beta development phase entirely for the Model 3 and go straight to early-release cars within the week.

During a conference call with investment bankers, Elon Musk made the surprising announcement of the company skipping beta development cars, saying that the advanced analytic tools Tesla has developed are allowing them to do so, as reported from Gas2.

This means that the early release Model 3s will enter production as soon as this week and on the same assembly line that will be used for normal production.

Elon Musk claimed that because of their advanced analytic tools, the build quality of the Model 3 will be excellent from the very first cars and much better than it was when they launched production of the Model S and the Model X.

With that said, we all remember the problems Tesla faced with early examples of the Model S and more so with early Model Xs, which were riddled with quality issues, including uneven panel gaps and problems with the function of the rear gullwing doors.

It looks like Elon Musk has a very aggressive goal to achieve and the risk of skipping the beta development phase of the company’s most important commercially vehicle is simply too huge to ignore.

Will Tesla make it? Let’s wait and see.