The Federation Internationale de l’Automobile (FIA) has enlisted the help of famed action film director Luc Besson to create a short movie about a new global campaign called ‘Save Kids Lives.’

It tries to promote the fact that the same dangers are faced by poor kids living in African shanty towns as those living in an upper middle class environment in France, when going to school on their own.

The campaign says 500 children die every day around the world in road crossing-related accidents. The video tries to suggest all kids around the world are just as susceptible no matter where they live and what their social and economic background is.

The funny thing is none of the African kids in the video get hurt, while one French kid does get hurt chasing a ball into the street without looking.

This campaign is nice in principle, but it should maybe just concentrate on those who need help the most; and that’s not kids in western Europe.
