The idea of driving cross-country in the US, on a nation-wide road trip sounds like a romantic thing to do… but not when it’s two dudes driving a 1989 Yugo flat out through the desert…

Edmunds decided to see what former-Yugslavia’s national automobile would be like on US roads and also add it to its permanent fleet. They bought a 1989 Yugo GVL from a friend of the owner of Bosnia Express, an Eastern European-themed restaurant located in Boise, Idaho.

The team apparently traveled there after merely seeing the car on Craigslist and to their surprise the car was a runner and actually road worthy. They paid $950 cash for it and recorded the videos you see below on their drive back to Los Angeles.

Have you ever seen a Yugo try to do a top speed run? Well, you will now, just don’t expect much from its 55 hp Fiat Uno engine…
