When you think about it, a lot of cars look like a backwards facing wing
South Florida Customs has put out another one of their beefed-up Hummer EVs
A number of Japan’s most famous tuning companies have tweaked the Toyota Crown Crossover and Sedan models
Last of 249 Shelby Series 1 Roadsters will be auctioned by Mecum in March
Take a dash of Cadillac, a spoonful of Camaro, and a heap of V8 and what do you get?
Taste might be subjective, but some color combinations just clash
A Euro-spec Ford Focus ST, a RenaultSport Megane ph2, and a GR Yaris sometimes cruise the streets of southern California
The man claimed someone fired 150 shots into his vehicle with an AK-47
The model is inspired by both the upcoming Tesla Cybertruck and the Roadster
The MQB-based ninth generation of the VW Passat is coming with a heavily electrified powertrain mix and plenty of space inside the cabin
We asked our readers which cars we’d be better off without in the new year and this what you told us
This is the second time Sunak has received a fine from police while an acting member of government
A prototype of the new 4th gen Master van has been caught testing for the first time
The Activesphere concept promises to blur the line between sedans and crossover coupes
Compared to the RWD Z06, the two Nissan GT-Rs have the benefit of all-wheel drive too
The adventurous trim of the SUV slots below the luxurious Platinum, mirroring the lineup of the Ford Ranger
Bentley’s Andreas Mindt will become the new head of Volkswagen brand design
Pastrana will debut the car this weekend at the Nitro RX event in Quebec