The use of an NFC key card could allow nearby hackers to effectively cut a new digital key
The latest version of the oft-delayed Tesla Cybertruck also featured a new ‘Switchable’ front wiper
After this, NHTSA will either drop the case or recall action will have to be taken over Autopilot
It is unclear if Tesla will use BYD’s innovative Blade style battery cells
Someone suggested adding “Tesla Rescue Squad” bumper stickers on F-150 Lightning trucks
The state’s franchise dealer law requires eligible vehicles to be purchased at a dealer in-state – but Tesla doesn’t have any
The Space Camper runs all of its accessories from the Tesla Cybertruck’s battery
Available as a kit or an entire car, ADRO’s modifications are both aesthetic and functional
“You can’t complain you lost if you never showed up for the game,” says prominent Tesla supporter
The EV automaker has had the idea in the works since 2018, but they only just filed it with the Los Angeles Department of City Planning
Only last week, Musk said that Tesla would reduce its salaried headcount by 10 percent
Mustang mounts EV but we’re pretty sure that’s not how baby Mach-Es are made
Once again, Sentry mode helped catch an individual that had damaged a Tesla
That’s more than twice as many complaints as NHTSA had received until February
Tesla CEO believes a global recession is imminent and told executives to pause all hiring
Workers in new German factory are unionised, unlike those in Tesla’s U.S. factories
The pressing force is over 9,000 tons
This 2010 Tesla Roadster has been driven a touch under 12,000 miles