Porsche set two artists to battle against one another to see who could make the better art car
America’s fastest-growing fleet management company has ordered a total of 18,000 EVs from GM’s startup BrightDrop
Nearly two years after a jointly developed Lincoln was announced, the project has been abandoned altogether
This minivan isn’t really mini as it’s larger than a Mercedes-Maybach GLS
Heavily influenced by the late ’50s Buick Roadmaster, the Monterey Concept is all electric
The Cadillac Lyriq electric SUV is available from the equivalent of $69,900 in China
The G9 is the company’s first model designed for markets outside China
See live photos of the funky, futuristic, and highly angular, and all-electric Honda e:N SUV
The Audi Q5 e-tron is the more practical and family-focused sibling of the shorter Q4 e-tron
The new Kia Niro will have an edgier design as well as some cues from 2019’s HabaNiro concept
Mitsubishi’s latest electric SUV will feature a 70 kWh battery that, according to CTLC standards, offers a range of 323 miles
The 2022 Genesis Electrified GV70 will launch in select markets in 2022
The all-electric Avatr 11 is an electric SUV with around 435 miles of range
A whopping 66% of consumers who took part in a study conducted by Toyota also believe that electric vehicles have a gas engine
The electric truck is notable for featuring a retractable solar panel
The Saga is roughly the same size as the BMW 3-Series and can hit 60 mph in around six seconds
There probably aren’t many Tesla Model X owners willing to shoot their cars like this
“This sucker’s something else,” said Biden after driving the 2022 GMC Hummer EV