No one was injured, but the driver is now facing a five-year felony charge
The new bill wants to reduce the number of hit-and-run cases, where cars can’t be identified
New legislation in Florida could penalize appointment scalpers with fines up to $500 per violation
This GTA-style chase saw three police cars ram a Dodge Challenger at one time while barely missing a house
Officers arrested four individuals including a wanted felon and found three firearms in the car
The young Florida driver reportedly caused approximately $60,000 in damage to the BMW dealership
Authorities say they even spotted a low-flying helicopter in the area filming the illegal event
The poor woman says she can’t eat or sleep properly after being thrown into a jail cell
Local police are still searching for a Rolls-Royce Dawn that was recently snatched during transport
You’ll need at least $2.7 million to buy one of the three-bedroom condos
Michigan man agreed to buy a $300k Dawn convertible from Florida but the convertible never arrived
The officer was attempting to remove the firearm from the driver when it went off and injured his leg
According to the Kelley Blue Book, this bill is more than the car itself could be worth as a trade-in
RedSpeed installed the cameras free of charge but receives $19.80 for each fine issued
The alleged criminal seems to have forgotten that some officers are in public in unmarked cars
The Turo renter spotted someone stealing a package from his doorstep as he drove up and used the EV to force their Genesis G80 off the road
The employee is a part of the family that owns the dealership and threatened the customer with a firearm
The footage was released by Florida officials, who warned residents about the dangers of EV fires