No one was injured, but the driver is now facing a five-year felony charge
This GTA-style chase saw three police cars ram a Dodge Challenger at one time while barely missing a house
The young Florida driver reportedly caused approximately $60,000 in damage to the BMW dealership
The Florida man’s joyride in the vehicle stolen from a Hilton valet lasted under 6 miles before the crash
The Turo renter spotted someone stealing a package from his doorstep as he drove up and used the EV to force their Genesis G80 off the road
The employee is a part of the family that owns the dealership and threatened the customer with a firearm
The suspect intentionally drove into a grassy ditch and took himself out of the chase
The 40-year-old homeless man is now facing four charges of aggravated assault on a law enforcement officer
Officers arrested two men in the car and, apart from the two kids, also found a firearm, drugs, and alcohol
The 19-year-old Florida man was charged with reckless driving and felony criminal mischief for doing a burnout on the LGBTQ pride crosswalk
The driver’s motives remain unclear, but police swiftly intervened, removing both him and his pickup from the scene
Huge aero kit couldn’t keep DME Tuning Forida’s stage 2+ RS in a straight line on a damp road
The driver allegedly reeked of alcohol and had slurred speech at the time of the arrest
Doorbell cam alerted Apopka homeowner to the presence of contractors digging up her concrete drive, but by the time police arrived they – and the driveway – were gone
Undercover Kia Stinger is spent spinning through 180 degrees, then switches on its flashing lights to show the chasing driver his big mistake
The 37-year-old is now facing a long list of charges including burglary and fleeing to elude
The man was allegedly upset with traffic and decided to attempt to intimidate the officer who was off-duty and driving with his family
No matter how childish it is, police don’t take kindly to trucks that look like law enforcement vehicles