Although the dealer is now out of business, some customers are still dealing with its fallout
The automaker patched the hack within 24 hours but the situation is still unsettling
The Texas Attorney General wants the court to block Allstate from tracking drivers
The GR Corolla owner’s lawyer says that midway through the purchase agreement, the situation does not bode well for the dealer
Hidden aftermarket GPS trackers are popping up on cars all over the market
If you’ve bought a car in the last few years you might want to check your OBDII port as soon as possible
You could have a driver score that is affecting your rates without ever knowing about it
This is the first public action by the FTC on this matter since 2018, and it follows calls from Senators to investigate specific automakers
One man evidently made a series of really stupid choices that all lead to jail time
Only five of 14 automakers investigated required a warrant when asked for data by authorities and only one told its customers about it
Stopping criminals requires everything from high tech gadgets to low skill intentional traffic jams
One senator has introduced a bill that proposes using AI technology to prevent drivers from exceeding the speed limit by more than 10 mph
The driver is slated to be charged with negligent operation of a motor vehicle, while authorities are also seeking to suspend their license
Two tourists made it out of the water uninjured, but their Caravan was less lucky after it was blithely driven into a harbor