Eight of the cars were completely “burned out,” according to local authorities, who are confident the fire was an act of arson
Officers arrested four individuals including a wanted felon and found three firearms in the car
The turbocharged Honda-powered 911 has been tuned to reliably produce 500 hp, and it can go even higher
This particular Shelter Green F-150 Raptor may have been used in the development of the truck
Cincinnati police changed their story, admitting an officer caused the accident and still haven’t repaired the damaged car
Although he is thoroughly pleased with his Air GT, this owner considers selling it after having more than one bad experience from Lucid’s service
This wild chase features several tonal shifts from normal to wild to almost comical
Shareholders are turning on Musk, sensing that he’s all but forgotten about their concerns
It’s your lucky day because this unique Nissan Z build has been listed up for sale
Thankfully, while the Mustang hit multiple parked vehicles, it doesn’t appear any bystanders were injured
It’s unclear how the driver of the electric pickup lost control, but the good news is that no one was seriously injured
Those taking responsibility call this a surprise rebrand for Tesla amid the controversy
The suspect is now facing several felony charges related to the incident
The elderly driver hasn’t been arrested, despite allegedly initiating the confrontation that occurred in the Cayman Islands
The offensive sticker was discovered by Makayla Starks during a routine oil change
The information comes out as Musk’s DOGE makes deep cuts at various federal forces
It’s unclear how these drivers are still on the road but all three have high-priced lawsuits against them regardless
The young Florida driver reportedly caused approximately $60,000 in damage to the BMW dealership