The BMW 7 Series driver hit the Ford F-150 hard several times, wreaking havoc in North Hollywood
Clearly, the Tahoe’s driver beef was with the other car driver, as he stopped to help the biker he hit
The driver of the Subaru seemed willing to ram a Tesla that didn’t give room for him to merge in his lane
The two men attacked a car with a pregnant woman in the passenger seat
This surprisingly well-documented incident featured a great deal of unnecessary violence
While Karma wasn’t exactly instant in this case, it eventually did arrive for the driver of a Mercedes A-Class
The road rage incident was caught on two videos taken by the victim and the aggressor
A Mini and a Mondeo got into a dangerous game at over 100 mph, and it’s a miracle that no one was even injured
The incident happened in Denver and the RR driver was, according to the cammer, cited by the police
For whatever reason, he got so mad at the driver, he didn’t bother to look where he was going
The driver of the white Mazda crossover was an 85-year old Florida man
The incident is believed to have started as a road rage episode, and took place in the Azcapozalco district of Mexico City
This may not be the best way to make cheaters think twice before cutting in line but it sure was effective
The driver of the white pickup used the ‘left only’ lane to cut in front of the black Ram
Watch and you’ll probably come to the conclusion that both drivers are at fault here, one more so than the other
The horrific accident claimed the lives of all 15 people on board
Meet the road rager who has nothing better to do than follow people around to their workplace to tell on them
The footage was captured in Columbia, Maryland via dashcam from a Tesla Model 3