The system should do a better job of picking up animals, pedestrians, cyclists, and more
Cheap EVs are at the heart of General Motors’ battle for electric supremacy
NHTSA uses Special Crash Investigations to probe new technologies like Autopilot
The Cybertruck continues to serve as inspiration, this time for an electric motorcycle
Tesla argued that Autopilot isn’t intended for inner cities, but the court didn’t find that persuasive
Panasonic’s new factory in Kansas will help it to triple or quadruple its EV battery production
Economic pressures are pushing each company to rethink its structure
The Tesla Model 3’s self-driving system swerved to avoid a pedestrian
Tesla saw major growth in registrations while most other companies lost ground
It would, for instance, allow buyers to get autonomous features for a 50 mile drive
The feature is currently only available for the Model S and Model X, which come with adaptive suspension
He’s confident that it wasn’t the brakes themselves that caused the failure
NHTSA wants speeding to be as “undesirable and seen as negatively” as other kinds of bad driving habits
It’s not the first time that he’s mentioned a Tesla van
The Tesla supercharger network could be available to non-Tesla vehicles before the end of the year
Tesla is allegedly asking employees to accept less than the legally required amount of severance pay
The issue affects more than 59,000 Tesla vehicles around the globe
After being delayed many times, Tesla’s controversial electric pickup truck could finally be coming to market in the not-too-distant future