The show will follow Richard Hammond’s own classic car restoration business
The Grand Tour trio headed to Barbados during the show’s first season
The first trailer for Clarkson’s Farm has dropped, and it looks like we’re in for a treat
Rewatch the time JC decided to marry a Merc SL to a Land Rover Discovery
A quick catch-up with the inimitable James May reveals details of the new Grand Tour and how he was reunited with his 458
Clarkson also revealed Grand Tour co-host Richard Hammond had an accident during filming
James May’s favorite car isn’t his most exciting. Instead, he calls it serene, well-made, and very polite
The Polaris RZR was used as a camera car by TGT in Madagascar
Clarkson, Hammond, and May are finally returning to our screens
The Grand Tour presenter is spending some time with his biggest motoring regret
This 550 Maranello was once owned by both Harry Metcalfe and Richard Hammond
Hammond apparently had quite a lot of interesting adventures that never made it on-screen
Amazon Prime Video received the episode and will now decide the premiere date
The Grand Tour’s Richard Hammond looked over a bunch of McLarens, as well as a few classics
Clarkson’s daughter Emily sat down with DriveTribe to talk about cars and other stuff
Jeremy Clarkson says The Grand Tour’s next special will take place in Madagascar
From Doug DeMuro’s Ford GT to Jimmy Broadbent’s R32 Skyline, James May shares his thoughts on YouTubers’ cars
Hamster’s Morgan Plus Six includes an upgraded exhaust to deliver roughly 400 hp