The SUVs might look like identical twins, but the Patrol has some unique features
The hosts will be driving a Lancia Montecarlo, Triumph Stag, and Ford Capri
The redesigned Armada sports an evolutionary design, an upscale interior, and a new twin-turbo V6
A Koenigsegg Jesko Attack broke Czinger’s record on August 18 – but the 21C reclaimed it only 8 days later
The Ioniq 5 XRT features a 0.9-inch lift, all-terrain tires, and digital camo
The flared wheel arches mean the car’s rear end is now 4.7 inches (12 cm) wider than a standard 296
The most powerful version produces 268 hp from a plug-in hybrid setup, while offering over 62 miles of electric range
The hardcore version of the second-generation M2 is expected to offer more power than an M4
The driver of a rolled RAM pickup truck appeared very chill despite an experience that would terrify most
The Regera is powered by a potent twin-turbocharged V8 and three electric motors
The rear cabin can sleep up to six people, with a small bathroom, a dining area, and a 32-inch TV
The Vanquish will go into production later this year and the company will build less than 1,000 units annually
The Range Rover driver initially told the police that he was hit by a Volvo SUV, but the whole incident was recorded by a Tesla’s camera
The 5.0-liter twin-turbo V8 of the Agera N pumps out an impressive 947 hp
The driver ditched the car and is believed to have fled the scene on foot
You asked us about quality, comfort, and features; today we’re going to give you the low down
Officers in Florida ended up finding the Italian supercar several states away from where the teens allegedly snatched it
The Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office is on the hunt for a Mustang driver who left the car in a canal